

Buffalo yogurt has a stronger taste than cow’s milk yoghurt. The consistency is much creamier, due to the fats present in buffalo milk.

It is produced naturally without added sugar.


Nature and flavoured

Size: 150 ml

SHELF-LIFE: 15 days


Buffalo yoghurt, a delicacy from Campania, is a product that enchants palates with its creaminess and rich flavour. Campania, land of buffaloes, is the undisputed queen in the production of this dairy product. But what makes buffalo yoghurt so special? Let’s find out together.


Buffalo Yoghurt online shop, Nutritional Features

Buffalo milk: Buffalo yoghurt is produced with 100% buffalo milk. Compared to classic yoghurt made from cow’s milk, buffalo yoghurt has an even more compact and velvety consistency. This milk is rich in nutrients such as protein, iron, calcium and phosphorus, as well as vitamins and amino acids.

Beneficial fats: Buffalo milk contains ‘good’ fats, including conjugated linoleic acids (CLA), known for their anti-carcinogenic action. In addition, the short- and medium-chain fatty acids present in buffalo milk have a less negative impact on cholesterol. The smaller fat globules make this milk more digestible and nutritionally bioavailable.

Calcium and Phosphorus: Buffalo milk has a higher calcium and phosphorus content than cow’s milk. These minerals are essential for healthy bones and teeth.


Buffalo Yoghurt online shop, The Taste and Consistency

Definitely creamy: the consistency of buffalo yoghurt is much creamier than that of yoghurt made from cow’s milk. This is due to the fats present in buffalo milk. The mouthfeel is enveloping and velvety, making every spoonful a pleasure.

Intense flavour: Buffalo yoghurt has a stronger taste than yoghurt made with cow’s milk. It is a perfect balance of sweetness and acidity, with a hint of freshness that makes it irresistible. It is ideal to enjoy on its own or with fresh fruit and honey.


Buffalo Yoghurt online shop, artigianal productions

Campania, Kingdom of Buffalo Yoghurt: Campania is the home of buffalo yoghurt. Here, buffalo graze in the green meadows and produce milk of the highest quality. Artisanal farms follow traditional methods to obtain authentic and genuine yoghurt.

Variety of Flavours: Buffalo yoghurt can be enriched with fruit, honey, nuts or cereals. Its versatility makes it suitable for many occasions: from breakfast to dessert and a healthy snack.

In short, buffalo yoghurt is a culinary treasure that combines tradition, taste and health. If you haven’t tried it yet, I recommend you do so as soon as possible.


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